您可以在DoubleGames上下载游戏,并将游戏文件上传到您的网站服务器上。这样的话,游戏的链接将指向您的网址(例如http://www.samplesite.com/online/somegame.swf) ,或者您可以在自己的网站上添加游戏链接指向我们的网站 (比如 http://www.doublegames.cn/online/somegame.swf)
We've gathered for you our full catalog of free online games that can be added
to a website. You can download this games archive at once and use it. The
archive includes all necessary files for games:
- SWF-file of online game,
- 100x100 game icon in GIF fromat,
- 3 game screenshots in JPG format (640x480),
- game description in English.
注意: 请使用原版的Flash游戏, 在任何情况下,请不要修改游戏的SWF文件!